The Firm

AO&O Legal Practitioners, a boutique style practice, is a full-service law firm engaged in the delivery of top quality and personalised legal services. Our Firm comprising of legal practitioners with a combined experience of over 20 years has been rendering legal advice to a broad spectrum of clients on diverse commercial and corporate matters.

Our Goal

Our goal is to render bespoke legal services that not only provides timely legal solutions to our clients but also positively impacts on their business transactions and fulfills their commercial goals.

What We Do

AO & O LP’s lawyers combine the skills, insight, nd experience derived from their different legal backgrounds to develop transactions that are tailor made for the Nigerian market. We see our role as facilitators – understanding our clients’ needs and transactions, advising on the legal and regulatory provisions that impact thereon and, most importantly, structuring the transaction to fit the law without compromising our Client’s commercial goals.

We identify with you at the beginning, your requirements, and those factors, which you will consider to be primarily important to your operations and important to the successful implementation and conclusion of your transactions.

We pride ourselves on delivery of tailor-made client focused services and consistently go the extra mile to ensure the delivery of services within the required time frame, while keeping steadfast fidelity to our principle of ensuring the highest ethical standards and providing A-grade legal services. The firm maintains a policy of constantly seeking to develop fresh skills and acquire new expertise in our niche areas, thus enabling us to respond quickly to the rapid changes that occur in the world of business and finance. Depending on the nature of the transaction and the preferences of our clients, we are able to work either on a retainer or on a transactional basis.

What We Offer

Our usual method is to constitute a core specialised – team for primary responsibility to each of our client’s transactions while ensuring a regular lawyer for interfacing with the client and attending to day to day needs, thus ensuring a familiar face at every point in time.